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Hooray – my book is out !

Hooray – my book is out !

Fotos: Etienne Boulanger,  The paradox of solitude and loneliness My book on solitude and loneliness is finally out !  You can order it any bookshop or buy it online. You can choose between the hardcover and the ebook version.  As a special...

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Loneliness in the Time of Corona

Loneliness in the Time of Corona

Photo: Jackson Simmer Loneliness in the Time of Corona A few weeks ago, I read the headline “Those who are alone now, will stay that way for a long time” in a German weekly newspaper. It sounded blunt, final and not particularly uplifting. That headline inevitably...

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core change coaching

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T +41 (0) 78 – 615 95 17
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