Warm welcome at core change coaching

Warm welcome at

core change coaching

«core» stands for the essential and for what makes you tick

«core» stands for the essential and for what makes you tick

«core» does not only stand for the two initial letters of my first and last name – Cordula Reimann, it refers to the essential ‘core’ of you and what makes you tick. What does make you tick?

I can support you to see what is essential more clearly or differently , and – if necessary – to support transformation in you to reach it . And all that in an empathetic and mindful atmosphere that leaves room for all important nuances and contradictions.

Contact me – I am happy to take the time for you!


+41(0)78-615 95 17



What does
core change coaching offer?

I look forward to supporting you in a solution-oriented and empathetic manner – with a good dose of humour sprinkled in.

My services include consulting, coaching, moderation/facilitation, further education/training and supervision on topics such as aloneness & loneliness, otherness, trauma and communication & conflict.

Symbol Globus

Intercultural competence & communication

Symbol Pfeil zum Ziel

Career & life planning

Symbol Hände Team

Diversity management

Symbol Gewichtheber

Personality & resilience development

core change coaching burn-out prävention

Burn-out prevention

Symbol Mann & Frau tauschen sich aus

Gender competence

Symbol zwei Menschen kommunizieren erfolgreich

Solution-oriented communication

Symbol Idee

Creative thinking

Symbol einer hilft dem anderen

Trauma-sensitive crisis intervention

Symbol Familie

Biography work & transgenerational traumas

Symbol Rakete

Motivation & empowerment

Symbol Händedruck Gerechtigkeit

Conflict resolution & mediation

Themes of
core change coaching

Core Change Coaching einsame Frau im Sonnenlicht

Fancy being alone?
Aloneness – Loneliness

Aloneness is often equated with loneliness. In our culture, being lonely is often understood as a failure of the individual. To talk about it remains a taboo. At the same time, communicating with hundreds of virtual “friends” suggests that we are never really alone: We are in permanent contact with others, but not really in relationship.

I can help you to find a new, constructive and life-affirming approach to your loneliness and being alone.

Themes of
core change coaching

Core Change Coaching Kommunikation und Konflikt am Arbeitsplatz

Always the same conflicts?
Communication & Conflict

As Paul Watzlawick so aptly put it, “We cannot not communicate”. Verbal and non-verbal communication is the source of all misunderstandings and conflicts, especially in an intercultural conflict and conflicts between women and men.

I can support you in dealing with people who have very different communication styles and types. You will learn how to deal constructively with conflicts in small and large groups, among different cultures and women and men.
core change coaching thema vergangenheit

What does the past have to do with my present? (Transgenerational) Trauma

We know that unresolved traumas among both current and previous family generations can become a great emotional burden on personal happiness.

I can help you to develop a different perspective on these traumas and to transform them. You will learn to use your own family history as a resource for your own path and personal development.
core change coaching thema anderssein

Somehow I’m different from the others… So what? Otherness

If you do not live by social conventions, you can quickly catch your breath, feeling uncomfortable in your own skin, defending yourself and feelingly lonely.

I can support you in appreciating your otherness as a resource and source of vital energy and strength for your own path.

core change coaching
success stories

“My partner and I have had some serious communication problems for a long time. Cordula had the courage to confront us with uncomfortable truths without judging or criticizing. What really impressed me a lot was her ability and skill to quickly and coherently grasp moods and nuances.”

Petra M, high school teacher

“Jobwise, I’ve been in a difficult situation. Mrs. Reimann managed to get me out of the vicious circle and greatly supported me to develop new perspectives for me. Today, thanks to Cordula’s fresh and courageous way of calling a spade a spade, I am somewhere else in my career. Thanks a lot!”

Jürg G, executive employee, state administration

“While talking to Cordula, I quickly had this comfortable feeling that I was talking to a good friend over coffee – she helped me to find new and creative ideas for my professional and private orientation, which I would not have come up with myself. I particularly like her great sense of humour and empathy. Thank you very much!”

Barbara L, Lecturer

for Coachings & Trainings

My services include coaching for individuals, small and large groups. Contact me, and we will discuss your wishes and concerns!
Aloneness & Loneliness
”To be alone and happy”.
Coaching aloneness as a personal resource and creative power.
  • “Life beyond 40 and 50 – in the middle of life: Being powerful, present and mindful beyond the middle of life”.
    Motivational & empowerment coaching to find one’s inner self and one’s own path.
  • “I wanted and should actually…” Motivation training for people with many creative ideas, who are good at postponing and have a hard time getting started.
  • “I need a change.”
    Personal coaching that supports you in your personal change process.
  • “The next crisis will come sooner then you wish for…”
    Personal and group coaching on how to deal with personal crises and traumas, how to avoid and to overcome them successfully.
  • “I’m fine, but…”
    Personal coaching about your own history and biography.
Communication & Conflict
  • “When in Rome do as the Romans do”.
    Training and consulting on intercultural competence and communication for companies, small and large groups.
  • “Typical man – typical woman?” Trainings on gender awareness for companies, small and large groups.

How does
core change coaching operate?

I’m happy to be working with you: I work in a solution-oriented and appreciative manner.
Humour, intuition and a profound sense of empathy are important resources and working conditions for me. Every coaching and training is tailor-made: I adapt the specific sessions to your needs and questions.
On site and/or online
Coachings and trainings take place at your place, via Skype (or other social media), in your or my office, outdoors and/or at your favourite place.


I work in English and German.

core change coaching

Dr Cordula Reimann, Core Change Coaching - Portrait
The driving force behind core change coaching is Cordula Reimann. Most people would consider me being dynamic, communicative and witty. I like to play with words and ideas, read and travel a lot and have been living in Switzerland for more than 20 years.
Life, my life
I love life, my life – various personal crises helped me grow as a woman, human being and professional. I believe that “life issues” are pressing issues for us, until they are worked through and transformed. I like people, their contradictions and stories – especially from other cultures: They have helped me to find myself and to become even more aware of my own values and needs.
Dr Cordula Reimann, Core Change Coaching - Portrait
Dr Cordula Reimann, Core Change Coaching - Portrait
My themes
The topics Aloneness & Loneliness, Otherness, Trauma and Communication & Conflict are – among others – also my life topics, and have informed my life in different phases.

The way that I have handled my own issues has helped guide me in my coaching, training and events.

I have been working for over 20 years as a trainer, mediator, consultant, process facilitator and university lecturer. My fields are peacebuilding, development cooperation and gender equality with a great interest in and broad knowledge of psychological and spiritual issues. (See www.corechange.ch)
Advanced training courses
I have completed the following advanced training courses or continue to attend them regularly:
– Systemic structural constellations
– Psychotraumatology
– Transgenerational Trauma Transformation
– Remembrance work
– Creative thinking
– Biography work
– Clown work
– Meditation
– Theatre of the Oppressed / Forum theatre
– Impro theatre
– Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and
– Mediation.

Would you like to know more? Please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Would you like to know more?
Please do not hesitate to contact me.
”I believe that “life issues” will remain issues for us for as long as they haven’t been worked through and transformed.”

What’s up at
core change coaching?

core change coaching

12 + 13 =


I am happy to inform you about my services in greater detail.

You can contact me at:

Cordula Reimann
Wauwilermoos 6
6243 Egolzwill / Switzerland

T +41 (0) 78 – 615 95 17
E cr[at]corechange.ch

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